Research Report
A Study on the Legislation on the Introduction of Multi-Address System to Expand the Living Population
I. Background and Purpose of Research
▶ The crisis of local extinction is expanding as the population decline is in full swing due to the low birth rate and aging population.
○ The crisis of local extinction is growing along with the crisis of population decline due to the long-term low birth rate and population concentration centered on the metropolitan area.
○ Recognized as the most important problem threatening the survival of local governments
▶ The concept of living population was established in the Population Decrease Area Act to respond to the physical population decline, and the need to improve the problems of the existing single address system and introduce a multiple address system accordingly emerged
○ The population concept in the physical resident registration has limitations in responding to local extinction
○ The concept of population from a more diverse perspective is needed through the concept of living population
○ The need for population management centered on life patterns that goes beyond the quantitative expansion of the population
Ⅱ. Contents
▶ Diagnosis of the era of local extinction and introduction of the concept of living population
○The possibility of local extinction becoming a reality due to the continued low birth rate and aging population is increasing as the population decline is in full swing and the population concentration in the metropolitan area is becoming a reality. - Due to long-term low birth rates, population decline has already begun in earnest.
- As population movement to the metropolitan area is concentrated, population outflow from non-metropolitan areas is intensifying, accelerating the population decline and extinction of the region.
○Introducing the concept of living population as a new population concept due to limitations in physical population expansion
-Living population: Included in the population concept as a short-term stay in addition to resident registration
- Establish and promote policies to respond to population-declining areas centered on the concept of living population
▶ Reestablishment of the concept of address: Multiple address system
○ As the distance traveled by individuals increases, discrepancies between residences under the Resident Registration Act and residences in real life are frequently occurring.
○The single address system under the Resident Registration Act is suitable for the era of population growth, but has limitations in responding to the era of population decline.
○ It is necessary to introduce a multiple address system that registers a secondary address in addition to the primary address to respond to local extinction and to promote the expansion of the resident population.
▶ Similar cases overseas
○ Germany has already introduced a multiple address system, and in the case of secondary addresses, there are cases where local tax sources are secured through the secondary residence tax.
○The UK does not require resident registration, but there are many cases where a secondary address is used, and there are many cases where a separate living environment is established through a second home.
○Japan is introducing multiple addresses, and responds to local extinction through various policy measures based on the relationship between individuals and regions through the theory of related population.
▶ Issues in introducing the multiple address system
○ It is efficient to implement the multiple address system on a trial basis limited to regions under threat of regional extinction by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and then to promote its full introduction.
○ Considering the case of Germany, it is inappropriate to discuss local tax payment from the beginning of the introduction of the multiple address system. Initially, it is necessary to exempt it and then discuss imposing tax obligations such as local taxes after the system is established.
○It is necessary to resolve issues such as voting rights and false registration of residence centered on the existing residence registered in the resident registration.
○Rather than introducing it through a special law revision, promote pilot introduction and operation of the system through a revision of the Resident Registration Act
Ⅲ. Expected Effects
▶ Presentation of legal issues and legislative measures when introducing the multiple address system due to the expansion of the living population
○Presentation of a plan to reform the address system centered on the expansion of the living population
- Change from a single address system to a multiple address system