Publications Global KLRI, Best Research, Better Legislation


KJLL Article Submission

The Journal is published (May/November) biannually with the aims of :

  • promoting research on and enhancing the understanding of legislative systems across the world, especially those of Korea and Asia; and
  • supporting research, scholarship, and legislative practice by comparatively analyzing the latest issues in law and legislation of Korea and of the world.

We welcome articles, book reviews, notes, comparative analysis, and essays on any topics of law and legislation of any jurisdictions around the world.

[Proposal and Manuscript Submission Due]

Proposal Due Manuscript Due
No.1 (May 31) November 30 December 31
No.2 (Nov. 30) May 31
June 30

Authors must submit a proposal (Attachment 1) and an article by the aforementioned dues to KJLL Managing Editor at All submitted articles will be subject to editorial screening and double-blind peer-review by three reviewers before being determined to be published. Submissions made after the due may be considered for review for the next issue. Submitted articles must comply with the Research Ethics Regulations of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (Attachment 4).

Authors whose papers are published for publication

  • would be paid a fixed sum of honorarium in accordance with the Journal’s internal regulation.
  • shall transfer the entire copyright of his or her paper to KLRI by submitting the Publication and Copyright Agreement (Attachment 5).

For further guideline, please read carefully and follow the attached General Guideline and Regulation on Publication for KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation.

Please make submissions and address questions to :

  • KJLL Managing Editor
  • Korea Legislation Research Institute
    15 Gukchaegyeonguwon-ro Sejong-si 30147 Republic of Korea
  • Email :
  • Phone : 82-44-861-0466
  • Fax : 82-44-868-1947
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KJLL Proposal Submission Form download
Regulation on Publication for KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation download
KJLL General Guideline for Contributors & Style Sheet download
Research Ethics Regulations of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences download
KJLL Publication and Copyright Agreement download