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Commencement Research Deliberation Conference for 2024 Basic and General Projects
  • Date 2024-02-21 View 38
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The Korean Legislation Research Institute (KLRI, President Yeong-soo Han) will host the 'Commencement Research Deliberation Conference for 2024 Basic and General Projects' from Wednesday, February 21st to Friday, February 23rd, spanning three days in the institute's conference room.
This event will focus on a total of 21 projects, including 12 basic tasks and 9 general projects. Each project's research leader will present the project execution plan, followed by deliberations from internal and external review committee members, and a Q&A session involving research personnel. Each project will be allotted one hour for in-depth discussions among the project leader, review committee, and participating researchers to explore implementation strategies and content details.
On the first day, February 21st, seven deliberations led by Research Director Lee Sang-yoon will address various topics, including ▲ Legislative Support for National Tasks and Policy Issues (I) ▲ Legislative Evaluation Research (XVII) ▲ Regulatory Innovation Legal Research (IV) ▲ E.S.G. Legislative Evaluation Research (II) ▲ Local Autonomy Legal System Innovation Research (II) ▲ AI Innovation Legal Research (I) ▲ Climate Change Legal Research (XV), among others. Particularly, ▲ AI Innovation Legal Research (I) aims to establish a foundation for legal systems to proactively respond to changes in AI society through comprehensive national-level research on advancing, disseminating, and universalizing artificial intelligence.
The 'Commencement Research Deliberation Conference for 2024 Basic and General Projects' will continue over two days, February 22nd and 23rd, addressing topics such as ▲ Conceptualization and Rights Protection of Vulnerable Groups under Legislation ▲ Global Legal Strategy Research (XIV) North-South Legal Research ▲ Administrative Legal System Refinement Measures Following the Establishment and Implementation of the 'Basic Administrative Law' ▲ Legal Research on Social Integration with a Focus on Foreigner Policies ▲ Constitutional Issues Research to Address Social Changes ▲ Legal Research to Establish and Enhance the Effectiveness of Committee Systems within Administrative Agencies ▲ Legal Improvement Measures for Preventing and Responding to School Violence ▲ Legal Research on Regulatory Framework Revision for Fair Competition and Financial Safety in Big Tech Finance ▲ Legal Research for Preventing and Responding to Social Isolation ▲ Legal Research for the Expansion of Future Mobility Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ▲ Global Legal Strategy Research (XIV) ▲ Rational Regulatory System Reform for Fair Competition Market Creation in OTT Platform ▲ Legislative Model Research on Treaty System under Legislation, among others.
Date: Wednesday, February 21-23, 2024
Venue: Conference Room, Korean Legislation Research Institute