- Date 2013-03-21 View 956
The KLRI President Yoo Hwan Kim signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Court TV for mutual cooperation.
Under the MOU, the Court TV will be responsible for planning , developing , and promoting the KLRI’s major research activities into broadcasting contents.
The KLRI president Yoo Hwan Kim stated that the KLRI conducts various legislative research in the area of green growth, FTA and ISD. Nevertheless, general public and government are not well aware of the research activities made by the KLRI. The KLRI expects that this MOU will greatly help to promote the KLRI’s achievements to the general public.
The Court TV chairman Young Yul Kim stated that signing an MOU with the KLRI has a significant value, and he strongly wish to maintain a cooperative and supportive relationship.
The Court TV has been selected as Nation’s Leading public interest only channel dealing with legal contents this year.
▷ Date : March 21, 2013 (Thursday)
▷ Venue : The KLRI Main Conference Room