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Pak Un Jong, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Gave Presentation on “Results of Government's Anti-Corruption Policy and Legislative Tasks”
  • Date 2019-06-21 View 627
The Korea Legislation Research Institute (President: Rhee Ik Hyeon) held the 36th Legislative Policy Forum under the theme of “Results of Government's Anti-Corruption Policy and Legislative Tasks” by inviting Pak Un Jong, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission as a presenter at the Chrysanthemum room of the Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas (2F) from 7:00 am on June 21th (Friday). 
In her presentation, Chairperson Pak introduced Korea's integrity level and major policy achievements. Sharing results of complete enumeration survey on recruiting scandal in public institutions and inspection on unfair support situation of overseas travel in public institutions, she presented achievements in promoting government's policies for addressing cheating and unfair privileges in daily living. In addition, details and legislative initiatives to carry forward legislation in this year including restitution of public finance, and avoidance of conflict of interests of public officials were suggested.
The KLRI has held legislative policy forums to share legislative performances and find new legislative tasks by inviting experts from various fields. Kim Sang Jo, Chairperson of the Fair Trade Commission, Jung Se Kyun, former Chairperson of the National Assembly, and Park Jung Hoon, Chairperson of the National Police Commission have attended previous forums as speakers.