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KLRI Held Conference on Corporate Social Value and Measures on Legal Issues of Chemical Safety
  • Date 2019-06-27 View 828
The Korea Legislation Research Institute (President: Rhee Ik Hyeon) and the Korean Environment Law Association (President: Kim Hyun Jun) held a joint academic conference under the theme of “Role of Environment Law for the Implementation of Social Value - Corporate Social Value and Legal Issues of Chemical Safety” at the Lecture Hall in Yulchon LLC. on June 27th (Thursday). 
The academic conference, in which the Special Investigation Committee of Humidifier Disinfectant Incident and April 16 Ferry Disaster, and Development Agency of Information Platform for Life Chemical Products jointly participated, was prepared to discuss how to succeed in “Implementation of Social Value” policies in the environmental law sector.
The two-session conference was attended by around 100 persons including President Rhee of KLRI, President Kim Hyun Jun of the Korean Environment Law Association, and Chairperson Jang Wank Ik of the Special Investigation Committee of Humidifier Disinfectant Incident and April 16 Ferry Disaster.
In Session I, Choi You Kyoung, member of the KLRI gave presentation on “Sustainability of Environment as a Component of Social Value.”Subsequently, Lee Jun Gil, advisor of the Jipyong LLC spoke about “Strategy for Pursuing Corporate Social Value and Enhancing Executive Power of Environmental Law.”
“Environmental Hormone Substance Management in the EU and its Implications” and “A Society Being Safe from Chemicals and Corporate Social Responsibility” were presented by Ph. D. Ban Kyu Man of the Development Agency of Information Platform for Life Chemical Products and director Jin Sung Young of the Safety and Social Affairs Bureau, Special Investigation Committee, respectively, in Session II.
Debates were conducted by Hong Sung Min and Lee Eu Bong, members of KLRI, Kim Sung Gon, assistant director of the Consumer Risk Prevention Policy Division, MFDS, and Im Hyun, professor of the Korea University.
The Korea Legislation Research Institute studies the process of legalization of social values that contribute to public interest and community development including human rights and safety, consideration of the underprivileged, and coexistence of large companies and SMEs.