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Joint Academic Conference between KLRI and KNCU
  • Date 2021-12-13 View 365
Joint Academic Conference between KLRI and KNCU
Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI, President Kye-Hong Kim) held a joint academic conference with the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU, Director-General Kyung-Gu Han) on December 13 (Mon., at 13:30) at UNESCO Hall of the UNESCO Building (11th fl.) in Myeong-dong, Seoul.
After the completion of the Memorandum of Understanding between KLRI and KNCU on April 16, the two organizations issued a research report on the Ethics and Laws on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This joint conference was taken place with a view to sharing the results of the research and opinions with experts in the field to seek a future legislative direction on regulations over the domestic artificial intelligence industry. 
KLRI president Kim said in his welcoming speech, “We are witnessing the time of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being increasingly used in many areas and consequently the legislation and ethics with respect to AI having been formed with diverse perspectives. In this situation, Korea also needs to seek alternatives on AI regulations. I believe that the joint research by KLRI specialized in legislative research and KNCU that has adopted the recommendation on the ethics of AI last November would make a significant contribution to invigorating legislative efforts for AI-related legislation.
The conference was moderated by Chan-Mo Chung, a professor at Inha University School of Law and participated by three speakers from the two host organizations and discussants from the government, the National Assembly, the academia, and the industry. 
Professor Sang-Wook Lee at Hanyang University, who was the first presenter, spoke on the Issues and Tasks of the AI Ethics. He analyzed the definition of the AI ethics and UNESCO's recommendation on the ethics of AI and presented implications for domestic legislation of the AI ethics. The second presenter, Mr. Ho-Young Lee, head of the Digital Economy and Social Research Division at Korea Information Society Development Institute presented the social impact of AI systems, ethical issues of AI governance, and the realization of AI ethical governance. Professor Kyung-Jin Choi at Gachon University suggested in his presentation on the Legislative Direction for the Ethics of the AI, as the last presenter, a specific direction for the legislation of the issues of the AI ethics which were identified by the two previous presenters. 
Professor Hyun-Kyung Kim at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Mr. Young-Hoon Kim, head of the Policy Cooperation Division at Amazon Web Services Korea, and Professor Ji-Won Seon at Kwangwoon University participated in the comprehensive discussion as discussants. 
With the successful joint research with KNSU as a stepping stone, KLRI plans to put more efforts in expanding cooperation with KNSU in various fields and identifying and responding to important global issues to contribute to the advancement of domestic legislation and policy. 
Date: December 13, 2021
Venue: UNESCO Hall at UNESCO Building (11th fl.)