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KLRI-KELA held a joint academic conference
  • Date 2022-06-23 View 318
Korea Legislation Research Institute (President Kye-Hong Kim) and the Korea Economic Law Association (President Su-Hyun Anh) jointly held an academic conference under the theme of the “Direction and Challenges on Corporate and Industrial Legislation under the New Government” at the international conference room of the KRX (Korea Exchange) on May 23th (Thu).
In response to the ESG disclosure obligation in which certain size of the firm listed on KOSPI are requested to disclose corporate information publicly from 2025, this conference was organized to explore ESG principles and significance from the perspective of large groups and SMEs, seeking to strategies by industry and size of the business. and to discuss ways to improve the consistency and rationality of the discipline system.
Today’s keynote speaker, Geon-sik Kim, emeritus professor of Seoul National University addressed the “Direction and Challenges on Corporate and Industrial Legislation under the New Government”, and the discussion on ”the ESG Principles and Significance for Restricting Big Companies under the Fair Trade Act” and the ESG Response Strategies for SMEs”were followed.
Meanwhile, Korea Legislation Research Institute has been conducting extensive legislative research to realize social value, as well as to meet the demands of legal support for the implementation of government policies for the institutionalization of ESG.
Date: June 23, 2022 
Venue: International Conference Hall at KRX