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KLRI-YLA jointly held an academic conference
  • Date 2022-08-26 View 308
Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI, President Kye-Hong Kim) and Yonsei Law Association (YLA, Nam-Cheol Kim) jointly held an academic conference under the theme of “Modern Law Issues for Regulatory Innovation in Intelligent Information Society“ at Baekyang-ro Plaza The Lounge Choi-Young Hall and Kim Soon-Jeon Hall of Yonsei University on August 26 (Fri).
The event was organized to analyze the issues of regulatory system of the new industry and major new technologies such as AI, digital contract, as well as seek for the institutional resolutions.
Sung-Su Kim, Professor of Law School at Yonsei University gave his opening speech under the theme of “Algorithm-Unelected Power and Democratic Legitimacy of Administration.” The following conference were separately proceeded with sessions of public/private law, and heated speeches and discussion were followed under the overall legal themes including basic law, public law, and private law, etc.
Hyun-Chul Kang, Vice President of KLRI presented his opening speech, “Legislation needs to be amended to propel the challenging research and development for the fast-changing intelligent information society.”, hoping that the conference will serve as a venue for heated discussions to seek for directions responding to regulatory innovation from various academic viewpoints.
Meanwhile, KLRI has been conducting legislative research to provide legal support for regulatory innovation on major industries which are driving force to strengthen the national competency.
Date: August 26, 2022
Venue; Baekyang-ro Plaza The Lounge Choi-Young Hall and Kim Soon-Jeon Hall, Yonsei University