연구원소식 공지사항, 행사안내, 보도자료 등에 관련된 정보를 제공합니다.


9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy : PLENARY SESSION2
  • 행사일자 2023-07-05 ~ 2023-07-05 행사시간 16:00~17:30
  • 행사장소 성공회대학교
  • 조회수 746
1. 행사명: 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy : PLENARY SESSION2
2. 주제: Social Economy Implementation Through Legislation in Korea
3. 일시: 2023년 7월 5일 (수), 16:00~17:30
4. 장소:  성공회대학교
5. 프로그램: 
     Chair: Yukyong Choe, Senior Research Fellow/Team Leader, Korea Legislation Research Institute (Republic of Korea)
    · Sanghyun Song, Lawyer, Deoham(Republic of Korea)
       “Social Economy Enterprise Support Legislation and its Challenges in Korea”
    · Eun Sun Lee, Professor, Gyeongsang National University (Republic of Korea)
      “Measuring the Social Performance of Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations”
    · Minseok Kim, Head of Business Division, Gyeonggi-Do Social Impact Creators (Republic of Korea)
      “The role of local government in social innovation”
    ·Ga Hui Shin, Senior Research Fellow, Seoul Institute (Republic of Korea)
      “Best Practices of Mobilizing Funding and Financing for Infrastructure Investment : Case of SEOUL  Social Economy Enterprise Support Legislation and its Challenges in Korea”