발간물 연구보고서, 정기간행물 등의 최신발간물 정보를 알려드립니다.


Overview and Historical Development of Intellectual Property Laws in South Korea
Overview and Historical Development of Intellectual Property Laws in South Korea Overview and Historical Development of Intellectual Property Laws in South Korea
  • 발행일 2015-10-30
  • 페이지 96
  • 총서명 [현안분석] 15-18-8
  • 가격 5,500
  • 저자 김형건
  • 비고 법제교류 연구 15-18-8
미리보기 다운로드

Ⅰ. Background and Purpose of Research
□ The study was carried out as part of the Korea Legislation Research Institute’s legal exchange research project. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the legislative history of Korean intellectual property laws to share Korea’s legislative development experiences in the field of intellectual property law. 

Ⅱ. Contents
□ This study gives a brief overview of the structure and sources of intellectual property laws in South Korea.
□ This study then scrutinizes the legislative history (i.e., reason for enactment, major amendments and structure of law) of Korean intellectual property laws.
□ This study breaks into five chapters: 1) Overview of Intellectual Property Laws in South Korea; 2) Laws on Industrial Property and Industrial Designs; 3) Laws on Copyrights and Neighboring Rights; 4) Laws on Trademarks and Other Distinctive Signs; and 5) Laws on Plant Variety Protection.

Ⅲ. Expected Effects
□ This study may serve as a brief introduction to Korean intellectual property laws in English.
□ This study may serve as a guide to the legislative history of Korean intellectual property laws.

Ⅰ. Overview of Intellectual Property Laws in South Korea 9

Ⅱ. Laws on Industrial Property and Industrial Designs 13

Ⅲ. Laws on Copyrights and Neighboring Rights 51

Ⅳ. Laws on Trademarks and Other Distinctive Signs 65

Ⅴ. Laws on Plant Variety Protection 81

References 87

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공공누리 1유형 본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
"Intellectual Property Laws" " Patent Act" " Copyright Act" " Trademark Act" " Utility Model Act" " Design Protection Act" " Plant Variety Protection Act"
관련보고서 [ *이 연구보고서의 관련 저자는 "김형건" 입니다.]