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2024 KLRI E.S.G. Global Symposium
  • 행사일자 2024-09-20 ~ 2024-09-20 행사시간
  • 행사장소 Webinar
  • 조회수 1006
2024 KLRI E.S.G. Global Symposium
   “EU 기업 지속 가능성 실사 지침(CS 3D)의 제도화 및 실행에 대한 글로벌 관점: 법제화 과제와 전망”
The Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) will host the 2024 KLRI E.S.G. Global Symposium on Friday, September 20th, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CET), 15:00-19:00 (KST) under the theme "Global Perspectives on the Institutionalization and Implementation of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CS3D): Legal Framework and Future Directions."
This event was planned as a continuation of the discussions on EU supply chain due diligence legislation between Korea and Europe held in 2022. With the recent passage of the EU CS3D, the scope of discussion has been expanded to include the EU and international organizations. The symposium will address the challenges and future prospects related to the implementation of the CS3D within EU member states, as well as the establishment of implementation frameworks in Asian countries. It is expected to serve as a platform for in-depth discussions among domestic and international experts.
Those who wish to attend are requested to register in advance by Friday, September 18th. 
Registration(사전등록) : https://forms.gle/Sx9k6AfibBEgQ6xN6
The symposium will be conducted in both English and Korean, with simultaneous interpretation provided.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact at esg.klri@gmail.com, +82-44-861-0379 
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Co-Moderators : Dr. Yukyong Jung Yun Choe, Senior Research Fellow of KLRI (ROK)
                                  Prof. Mauro Zamboni, Professor of Stockholm University (Sweden) 
PART 1. Korean Perspectives (15:00~16:00)               
Opening & Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Yukyong Jung Yun Choe, Senior Research Fellow, KLRI (ROK)
Keynote Speech
Mr. Walter VAN HATTUM, Minister Counsellor, Head of Trade and Economic - EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea (Netherlands)
"EU Sustainability - Should It Matter to Asia? EU ESG (and DDD) in Context (아시아에서 EU 지속가능성의 의미: EU ESG(및 DDD)의 맥락에서)" 
1. Dr. Pillkyu Hwang, Executive Director, Transnational Human Rights Institute, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation (ROK)
"An mHREDD Initiative from Asia: Challenges and Discontents(아시아 내 기업인권환경실사법 제정 시도, 그 도전과 불만들)"
2. Ms.Yujung Shin, Partner/Attorney at Law, Jihyang Law (ROK)
"Reactive Policies Are Not Enough: Examining Korea's BHR Policies and Corporate Practices; The Case for mHREDD Legislation(소극적 대응의 불충분함: 한국의 기업과 인권(BHR) 정책과 기업 관행의 검토, 그리고 mHREDD의 법제화 필요성)"
3.Mr. Changwan Han, Attorney at Law, BAE, KIM & LEE LLC (ROK)
"Challenges and Practical Difficulties Faced by Korean Companies(한국 기업들이 직면한 도전과 실무적 어려움)"
PART 2. European Perspectives (16:00~18:00)               
1. Prof. Dr. Marco Corradi, Professor, ESSEC Business School (France) & Prof. Dr. Silvia Grandi, Adjunct Professor, University of Bologna (Italy)
“Safeguarding Biodiversity: Unveiling Corporate Governance's Silent Challenge(생물다양성 보호:기업 지배구조의 숨겨진 도전 과제)"
2. Prof. Dr.Anne-Christin Mittwoch, Professor, Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg (Germany)
“Transforming the CSDDD into National Law. (How) Can/Must the German Lawmaker Modify the Scope of the LkSG?(CSDDD의 국내법 전환: 독일 공급망실사법(LkSG)의 적용범위 수정 가능성과 입법자의 의무)"
3. Dr. Michael Burian & Dr. Marc Ruttloff, Partners, Gleiss Lutz (Germany)
“EU Supply Chain Due Diligence - Questions on the Practical Implementation from a German Point of View(EU 공급망 실사: 독일 관점에서 본 실천적 이행에 관한 질문들)”
4. Prof. Carlo Amatucci, Professor, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
“Italian Corporate Law's Unreadiness to Implement EU CS3D (Despite Its Regulatory Lightness) (EU CS3D 이행에 대한 이탈리아 기업제의 불비: 규제 완화의 맥락에서)”
PART 3. International Organization`s + Asian Perspectives (18:00~19:00) 
1. Ms. Kate Wilson, Project Manager-Asia, Center for Responsible Business Conduct (OECD)
“Key Messages on Responsible Business in International Instruments:
What Can the International Frameworks Provide in the Context of Emerging Supply Chain Regulations?(국제기구의 책임 있는 기업 활동에 대한 주요 메시지: 새로운 공급망 규제와 관련하여 국제 프레임워크는 무엇을 제공할 수 있는가?)”
2. Ms. Emily Sims, Senior Specialist and Manager , ILO Helpdesk for Business (ILO)
“ ILO’s Approach to Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Diligence(책임 있는 기업 활동(RBC)과 인권 실사에 대한 ILO의 접근법)”
Prof. Dr. Florian Möslein, Professor, Philipps-Universität Marbug (Germany)
Dr. Hwa Ryung LEE, Director, Korea Fair Trade Commission (ROK)
Prof, Björn Lundqvist, Professor, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Dr. June Namgoong, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Labor Institute (ROK)
Ms. Hyunyoung Jee, Deputy Director, Attorney at Law, Institute of Green Transformation (ROK)
Ms. Youngah Park, Attorney at Law, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation (ROK)  