연구원소식 공지사항, 행사안내, 보도자료 등에 관련된 정보를 제공합니다.


[Expert Group Meeting] Expert Group Meeting on Contract Law Reform
  • 행사일자 2013-02-25 ~ 2013-02-26 행사시간 09:00 - 18:00
  • 행사장소 송도 컨벤시아(인천)
  • 조회수 1089


2013년도 글로벌법제전략연구사업 중 KLRI-UNCITRAL Joint Research Project의 일환으로 다음과 같이 Expert Group Meeting을 개최 합니다.


- 다 음 -


1. 행사 개요

1) 일시 : 2013년 2월 25(월) ~ 26일(화)

2) 장소 : 송도 컨벤시아(인천)

3) 주제 : Expert Group Meeting on Contract Law Reform

4) 주최 : 한국법제연구원, UNCITRAL


2. 프로그램

DAY ONE: Monday, 25 February 2013




Morning Session

Informal welcome address (9.30-9.40)

- Luca Castellani, Head, UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific

Presentations: Global and Regional Initiatives for Contract Law Reform (9.40-11.00)

- Possible future work of UNCITRAL in the area of international contract law (“Swiss proposal”) (Ingeborg Schwenzer, University of Basel)

- Draft Common European Sales Law (Mikolaj Zaleski, European Commission)

- Unidroit principles of international commercial contracts (Henry Gabriel, Elon University)

Coffee Break (11.00-11.15)

Discussion on the presentations of the morning session (11.15-12.30)


Lunch Break


Afternoon Session

Presentations: Regional and National Initiatives for Contract Law Reform (14.00-15.30)

- Principles of Asian Contract Law (Jung Joon KA, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

- A Comparative Analysis of CISG-Related Case Law (Hyung-Gun Kim, Korea Legislation Research Institute)

- National report: Singapore (Yee Sze THIAN, Singapore's Ministry of Law)

- National report: Australia (Lisa Spagnolo, Monash University)

Coffee Break (15.30-15.45)

Discussion on the presentations of the morning session (15.45-17.00)


Dinner hosted by the Korean Legislation Research Institute

Sheraton Hotel, Songdo

DAY TWO: Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Morning Session

Presentations: National Initiatives for Contract Law Reform(continued) (9.30-11.00)

- National report: Republic of Korea (Young Joon Kwon, Seoul National University)

- National report: People’s Republic of China (Shiyuan HAN, Tsinghua University)

- National report: Macau, SAR China (Muruga Perumal Ramaswamy, University of Macau)

- National report: Japan (Hiroo Sono, Hokkaido University)

Coffee Break (11.00-11.15)

Discussion on the presentations of the morning session (11.15-12.30)


Lunch Break


Afternoon Session: final round of interventions; discussion on the possible way forward; conclusions

(Facilitator: Luca Castellani)

Coffee Break (15.30-15.45)

Meeting ends.